ITA Consulting Group has developed a number of services intended to deliver clients optimized solutions. They have been designed to address specific client goals and finite time frames.  While considerate of long-term opportunities, ITA’s commitment to solving their clients’ immediate needs ensures that they deliver maximum value and maximum results when it’s needed most.  ITA has consistently demonstrated their commitment to building a client’s own capabilities by establishing, mentoring, and empowering in-house teams.
Service offerings include system reviews, evaluation, and targeted implementation solutions.


There is a common perception that IT consultants are more likely to deliver the most robust, complicated solutions regardless of how much is actually useful to the client.  This kind of over-engineering approach wastes time and money.

ITA is dedicated to meeting client requirements, solving for their exact pain points.  While they depend on a wider focus to make sure that nothing is overlooked, they believe that their clients are better served when they maintain a focus on delivering necessities.



A cost effective way to get your IT project or group up and running now

ITA Consulting can provide you with an assembled team of seasoned IT management professionals, who work together on a regular basis, to solve your most vexing IT problems.
We’re IT Professionals. And we like working together.
Building an employee team takes time, involves risk, and can derail your efforts to focus on your business. Traditional consulting firms have a solution, but they are very expensive and typically use a lot of less experienced consultants led by a few seasoned people. We’ve all been in the business a long time – and we know how to get things on track.
We establish an effective organization which can be transitioned to employee leadership or outsourced.
The skills to build an effective organization and the skills to run one are different. We lead your IT group to success using industry best practices, and establish documented procedures, metrics and service level agreements as required. The resulting organization is now poised for success – whether sourced internally or externally.

Making the outsourcing relationship work for you

A successful outsource relations requires clarity: Who resolves issues? Who is protecting your intellectual assets? Who is accountable?
ITA can ensure that project issues are always handled in your best interest, at the lowest level possible, and with the issue resolution commitment from all key stakeholders.
Don't let the fox guard the hen house.

Executive Focus
Outsourcing relationships can take a surprising amount of an executive’s time and energy. ITA oversight of your solution providers allows you to focus on other strategic priorities.

Not having the right information at the right time leads to project schedule slippage, increased costs, and reduced quality. ITA can provide you with timely and accurate information to direct change from start-to-finish of your critical IT projects. ITA provides you with just enough essential and insightful information to ensure your project is moving forward as expected.

ITA is able to begin delivering project improvement results at any stage of your outsource project or business initiative -- ITA requires little ramp up time. Our only requirement of you is your commitment to success.

ITA Consulting can provide you with the confidence that your outsourced projects and initiatives will meet your business milestones, operational commitments and financial obligations.

ITA reviews and analyzes key IT capabilities within a corporation,  ranging from specific projects to an organization’s entire system infrastructure.

By evaluating systems in the context of industry best practices and against unique business objectives, ITA’s senior executives provide an organization with a detailed understanding of how to exploit and optimize IT.  Specifically,  the ITA Assessment enables organizations to better focus their IT resources, ensure that IT groups or projects and business objectives are strategically aligned, and IT services are implemented as effectively as possible.

The Assessment begins with a broad examination of the relationship and integration of IT with the business model and organization goals.  ITA then uses these findings to analyze work products,  work flows, internal tools, and performance.  Interim reports and recommendations are provided throughout the process to ensure optimal relevance to the organization.  The assessment concludes with the delivery of a detailed Final Report and ITA’s recommendations for the client to proceed.


IT inventory is an extremely expensive piece of any organization's overhead.  ITA's Configuration Management (CM) service optimizes the use of these assets -capital hardware, software, and network components - to enable their clients to manage them most effectively. CM also allows for the reuse and recycling of IT infrastructure items, and therefore, the most efficient use of a company's assets.

Better planning infrastructures for IT project usage is achieved by:

  • Accurately forecasting and budgeting the IT infrastructure
  • Planning for procurement, acquisition and set-up of all necessary IT items
  • Ensuring ongoing compatibility and integration of new technology with the installed base


ITA's Design Reviews provide business direction insight and technical guidance at key points in the IT planning and development cycles.  This allows both a project team, and their internal business clients, to ensure that a design is aligned with strategic direction.

This, in turn, gives executive management visibility into projects before critical commitments because an assessment is based both on business direction and technology best practices. ITA brings a full spectrum of experienced technology viewpoints to every project.  This knowledge capitalization (both from inside and outside the organization) ensures that a project is examined from all angles.

They offer a critical review of essential architecture frameworks,  design components and strategies for system development, implementation and support.

ITA Design Reviews are flexible to take advantage of client capabilities and meet individual needs.  For more mature organizations with available internal resources, ITA designs and plans the review to be turned over and performed internally.  This is a reflection of the ITA commitment to sharing expertise and empowering their clients to operate independently of consultants.   For others, ITA is equipped to both plan and complete the review as a completely outsourced project.

ITA offers design, engineering and implementation services for all components,  (hardware, software and network) in any environment (development, testing and production.)

Balancing current business needs with future development plans is critical of overall IT effectiveness.   Operations must meet service levels for both production availability and new development.   ITA manages IT operations staffs (internal and outsourced) and infrastructure resources to ensure that scarce resources are used most effectively for both.

This management service was designed to position our clients to make the best IT outsourcing decisions.

By assessing the individual client organization and their strategic business objectives,  ITA is able to determine functions or projects best suited for outsourcing,  evaluate outsource partner capabilities, negotiate the outsourcing agreement,  and refine the relationship on an ongoing basis.   They balance this planning process with a clear definition and communication of internal responsibilities.  

ITA is independent of all outsource service providers and believes that this neutrality is critical to ensure that their clients' best interest is represented exclusively and prioritized correctly.  

ITA offers this service to define high quality requirements to ensure that IT teams develop systems that meet business objectives and needs.

Requirements Verification Testing (RVT) identifies risk, problems and ambiguities early in the development lifecycle.  This way, issues can be addressed and fixed before they disseminate throughout the system, costing additional time and money.

By working with both the project development team and the project customer,  ITA helps to clearly define and refine system requirements.   This exploration includes proper input from analysts, managers, users, designers, coders,  testers and implementers and other project stakeholders.  RVT ensures adequate attention is given to every requirement, from every angle, and critically examines the needs they address.   The resulting Business Functional, User and Non-Functional Requirements are then ready for development.

Once a system has been developed, the best way to confirm it's readiness for use,  or uncover hidden issues is to test it with the end user.   User Validation Testing (UVT) is the key to ensuring system relevance and the information discovered during this exercise is of critical importance.   Measuring results and gauging the user community's perceptions allows for effective management of expectations,  future development and ultimately, project success.

ITA has developed a structured process to effectively manage this phase of testing.   Working with the requirements, design and test documentation,  ITA manages a team of testers and users to validate a system's capability and usability.   For this phase of testing ITA has developed a proven,  structured process to minimize unexpected defects and maximize project success.