ITA believes that project success is predicated on simple fundamentals - a focused definition of what "done" is, experienced management to know the best way to get there, how to navigate inevitable challenges, and a methodology based on industry best practices. But, we also aim higher.

We look for ways to optimize a project for the greater organizational benefit. It is with this understanding of success "levels" that we approach every project:


At an organization's most senior levels, strategic planning sets the end-goal - understanding the competitive landscape, competitive advantages, and marketplace needs - and determines how those advantages can be used to meet the opportunity. Successful IT becomes one of those advantages.

Executing on a strategic direction requires a multi-functional plan for getting on the defined road to success. When a new business function needs development, or an existing one needs improvement, IT system development is often the key to meeting those needs. The critical piece at this level is uniting the IT and business vision to ensure that the systems solution is relevant.

Developing IT capability and creating an effective infrastructure that fulfills the business vision requires sharp focus, on a tactical level, to key Visibility Points TM. ITA addresses these potential points of failure to significantly increase a project's opportunity to accomplish its goals. From this foundation, success runs upward.

Directives flow downward through the levels of a company, and the chance of success runs up. Achievement at the project level enables the success of larger strategic directions.

To ensure that ITA clients have the talented resources that achieve success, every project begins with an "all hands" examination of the situation and project goals. By engaging with varied points of view, from the most senior level, ITA is able to understand a company situation completely before assembling a specialized, optimal team.

With this approach, ITA brings success - every time.